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Foundry Coffee Review

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Foundry Coffee Roasters are besed in Kelham Island, Sheffield.

They have been in the game now for over 10 years and have built a stong following around the UK.

Foundry are a carbon neutral business and try to minimise their impact on the environment wherever they can.

They source exceptional coffee beans, roast and brew them with the skills they have honed for over a decade.

They really love sharing their knowledge and helping you to create joyful coffee experiences at home.

Foundry’s attitude to coffee both from a quality and a sustainability standpoint have enabled them to really build a loyal customer base.

Sheffield is now home to many coffee roasters and the speciality coffee scene is thriving with the city hosting its annual coffee festival.

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Find your local roaster on our Independent Coffee Roasters Map.

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The Origin

The Beshasha coffee from Foundry Coffee Roasters originates from the Agaro, Jimma Zone of Western Ethiopia.

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The coffee was produced by Mustefa Abakeno who is a smallholder with 18 hectares of land near Agaro in the Jimma Zone of Western Ethiopia.

His farm is located at 2,040masl and is planted with coffee varieties from the Jimma research centre.

Mustefa has a small disc pulper that he uses to wash-process half of his coffee; the other half is dried as a natural.

Due to a lack of water in the area and limited space to ferment the coffee, Mustefa ferments the pulped coffee for a short period (8 hours) before he moves it to his drying beds (for 13-16 days), and the result is something like a light honey.

Mustefa only registered as an exporter in 2018 in order to sell his coffee directly to buyers, which he was able to do after changes to the regulations that year.

The small wet mill he set up (called Beshasha) is used to process his own and outgrowers’ coffee, which he keeps separate and dries on raised beds near his house.

Mustefa’s outgrowers are all neighbours and each have between 4 and 10 hectares of land.

What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Ethiopian coffee from Foundry Coffee Roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Aeropress.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Foundry Coffee Roasters now.


Where to buy Foundry Coffee?

You can purchase all of their fantastic single origin, blends and decaf coffee’s from their online store or by visiting directly. Find their location on the map above.

Is there a Foundry Coffee Subscription?

Yes, you are able to subscribe and receive Foundry’s fantastic coffee on given frequencies. Checkout their store via the link above.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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