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Oddy Knocky Coffee Roasters Decaf

Oddy Knocky is about celebrating independence and self-expression

They are an unconventional coffee roastery that celebrates independence and self-expression.

The brand is dedicated to providing high-quality coffee without compromising on taste or experience.

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Their approach focuses on making great coffee one of life's simple pleasures, accessible to everyone without the overly complex and serious attitude often found in the specialty coffee world.

Oddy Knocky combines a passion for exceptional coffee with a commitment to individuality and creativity.

Batch Coffee
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The Origin

The Serene Decaf coffee from Oddy Knocky Coffee originates from Colombia.

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Ethyl Acetate decaffeination - commonly called 'sugarcane' method - is a process which combines high mountain spring water and Ethyl Acetate (EA) of natural origin.

EA is present in every coffee cherry in its natural state (as well as in many other fruits and vegetables).

The natural EA is obtained from a sugar cane-based process and is, together with spring water, the only other element which comes into contact with the coffee. 

First the beans are steamed to open their pores, then they are rinsed with Ethyl-Acetate repeatedly to remove the caffeine. They are then dried to a 10-12% humidity and sealed with a natural wax which has a neutral profile which does not affect the flavour or aroma of the coffee.

What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this decaf coffee from Oddy Knocky.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Cafetiere.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Oddy Knocky now.

Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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