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Eight pm Coffee

Eight pm decaf coffee roasters

Eight pm coffee are a new and exciting coffee company with a twist


Ben, Alice & Ansgar recognise that coffee is one of the finest ingredients the world has to offer, however, they realise that the caffeine it comes with is not for everyone.

The trio founded 8pm Coffee to create an incredible tasting decaffeinated coffee that rivalled some of the best high-end, speciality coffees around, with all of the depth of flavour, but without any of the side effects caused by caffeine.

Eight  pm decaf coffee roasters

The co-founders are all passionate coffee drinkers, however after feeling some of the side effects that coffee has they started to explore what else was out there as a caffeine-free option.

Eight pm decaf

After speaking to friends and conducting market research surveys around decaffeinated coffee this was what they found;

  • 55% confirmed that caffeine may impact their health in a negative way

  • Out of those, 65% suffered from Sleeplessness, 50% from increased heart rate, and 45% from anxiety after drinking coffee with caffeine

  • More than 30% already drink decaf in addition to caffeinated coffee

  • 50% of those don't like to put too much caffeine in their body unnecessarily and 50% think its better for their health


Armed with this information they dived into the possibilities of great-tasting decaf. Unfortunately, decaf is something that is often overlooked by coffee roasters and taste is often sacrifices when caffeine is removed. Read more about this process in our decaf coffee review.



Coffee Reviews

Decaf coffee is something that really intrigues me at the moment. Although to be frank I don’t drink too much of the stuff, I can see there is a whole new decaf market emerging with more people trying to limit their mg of caffeine in coffee

The Optimist coffee from 8pm was a decaf that I enjoyed all the way through. 

Opening the bag releases the complex flavour profile of this Peruvian coffee. There are a couple of rich darker notes that eventually subside when brewing the coffee and layer in with sweeter tones.

The first sips of the Optimist are full of flavour. There is a slightly chalky body that creates a cacao undertone for the whole cup. 

8 PM Decaf coffee Details

Notes of blueberries come to the forefront of the sip as the coffee cools and takes shape. The coffee has a sweet Marzipan mid-sip that carries through into the aftertaste. 

The Optimist works really well as an espresso or on a stovetop where the rich cacao body is the star of the show.


Tom Saxon - Founder Batch Coffee