Speciality coffee subscription club


We are on a mission to sip, taste and review the UK’s best coffees.

Pink Lane Coffee Roasters

Pink Lane Coffee Roasters

Pink Lane Coffee Roasters is a Newcastle-based coffee business established in 2012.

They source, roast, and deliver speciality coffee across the UK, catering to homes and various businesses such as cafes, restaurants, and offices.


Committed to ethical and sustainable practices, Pink Lane Coffee ensures fair pricing for their suppliers, including international coffee farmers and local producers like the Marley Cote Walls dairy farm.

Pink Lane Coffee

They are a Real Living Wage Employer and run their business collectively, giving all managers a stake and voice in its operations.



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The Origin

The Mensur Abahika coffee from Pink Lane Coffee Roasters originates from the Jimma region of Ethiopia.

Mensur Abahika is the husband of Nesru Aba Nura, whose coffee we purchased last year.

He is a key component of the Tokuma Farmer Group, a collective of farmers in Western Ethiopia who have organised to market and export their coffees together and share knowledge with each other that allows them to each improve quality and consistency.

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Jimma was historically known for low quality naturally processed coffees.

In 2009, Technoserve, an international non-profit that seeks to implement business solutions in areas of poverty, began working with co-ops in the area to teach them how to wash their coffees and produce speciality quality coffee.

mensur on coffee farm

For the past decade, the area has been known as one of the top quality-producing regions in Ethiopia though it is only recently that speciality minded producers in Jimma have sought to produce top quality naturals.

It is even more recently, with the relaxing of restrictions surrounding who can market and export their coffees directly to importers, that small to medium sized single producers have been able to market their coffees.

Mensur Nesru and child


What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this delicious Ethiopian coffee from Pink Lane.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Pour Over.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Pink Lane Coffee Roasters.


Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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