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Revolution Coffee Roasters Decaf Review


Revolution is a coffee roastery ignited by passion.


The team have been involved with coffee since 2015, predominantly in the independent coffee scene.

Their aim is simple, to source & roast quality coffee.

Revolution believe that this procurement will support our goal of great quality coffee that’s meant to be shared.


Our coffee partners principles include supporting the improvement of the livelihoods of farmers and their communities.

Revolution Coffee Roasters UK

We are helping to raise the incomes and livelihoods of farmers and their families, improve education, healthcare and social conditions for rural farming communities; eliminate unacceptable labour practices and respect people and human rights, support small-scale producers to adapt to climate change and protect forests and areas of high conservation value.


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The Origin

The Crowd Pleaser Decaf coffee from Revolution coffee roasters originates from the Kigeme region of Rwanda.

The Kigeme Coffee Washing Station (CWS), is located near the village of Munombe in Nyamagabe district, in Rwanda’s Southern province.

The region is very mountainous, with altitudes ranging up to 2,100masl.

It is also rich in volcanic soil, supplied by the nearby Lake Kiuva which caps a volcano that erupts approximately every 1,000 years.

The Washing Station receives coffee cherries from around 1,300 smallholder farmers in the region. To strengthen the sustainability of the supply chain, farmers are supported with healthcare, training in Good Agricultural Practices to improve quality and yield, as well as other resources such as fertiliser.

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The double fermentation starts from ripe hand picked cherries, 12-18 hours dry fermentation followed by a wet anaerobic fermentation of 24-36 hours, before being pulped, fully washed and bed dried for 12-18 days, this coffee takes some special care and attention, and gets rewarded with an SCA score of 84.75pts.

The Carbon Dioxide decaffeination process uses compressed carbon dioxide in water to attract and then remove caffeine from green coffee.

Because this process only uses carbon dioxide, water, and charcoal filtering technology, it is a completely chemical free process. Carbon Dioxide also selectively attracts caffeine while leaving the proteins and carbohydrates that contribute to flavour untouched. 

Revolution Rwanda Decaf

Finca Samaria. Photo: Covoya Coffee



What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Decaf Rwandan coffee from Revolution Roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Cafetiere.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Revolution Coffee Roasters now.


Where to buy Revolution Coffee?

You can purchase all of their fantastic single origin, blends and decaf coffee’s from their online store.


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