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Office Coffee Hacks: 8 Coffee Solutions.

Hate drinking bland, tasteless, and murky coffee at the office?

These hacks can help you make the right changes so you can turn up your office coffee game.

Office Coffee HAcks


BEst Coffee for Offices.

When we think of enjoying coffee, we always picture ourselves sitting outdoors at a bistro or inside a cafe, leisurely sipping on that delicious cup of joe.

Sometimes, you think of sitting at home curled up with a book and a steaming cup of fragrant coffee in our hands.

Whatever image pops up in your mind when you think of enjoying coffee, none of that can possibly be at the office.

Office Coffee Hack.

With ninety percent of the world consuming caffeine daily, every coffee addict workaholic stands by their love for these sought-after roasted beans.


They use it as fuel and would swear that they have coffee running through their veins instead of blood.

Even though coffee at the office is a necessity and something people drink daily, this crucial drink is not something we necessarily enjoy because the coffee at the office is often tasteless, murky, and bland. 

Importance of Coffee at the Office

Whether you drink coffee or not, you can’t deny the fact that caffeine, and therefore, coffee, runs people.

Coffee for the office

For the worn-out and overworked employed population of the world, it is often that one thing that gives them the motivation to get out of bed and the strength to run through the day.


Best Office Coffee 2023

Batch Office Coffee

If your office is not using this magnificent and delicious tool as an incentive to motivate and inspire employees, you are missing out.

One simply cannot emphasize the importance of coffee. A happily caffeinated workforce will work quickly and efficiently.

Using coffee as a motivator and booster at work is a great way to keep all the employees happy, efficient, and active.

Making your office coffee something every employee will enjoy will turn your office into a workplace that the employees would love coming to.


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8 Office Coffee Solutions


1. Good Quality Coffee Beans

The quality of coffee is the most important part of bettering your office coffee game. Remember the following points when choosing the right coffee for your workplace.

  • Get good quality beans from specialty office suppliers.

  • Find a supplier that sells responsibly-grown and ethically sourced coffee.

  • Coffee quality is crucial as not only do organic, good quality beans make better coffee, but they also cause fewer health concerns.

BATCH office coffee
  • If your office has or can afford a grinder, or has a coffee maker with an inbuilt grinder, opt for fresh beans as that will give you the best coffee. Using freshly roasted beans is the best way to go.

  • Coffee grounds will become stale quicker, so unless your office doesn’t have or can’t afford a grinder, stick to whole beans instead of pre-ground coffee.



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  • Opt for freshly-roasted Arabica beans. Different coffee origins matter, so explore more options for a better coffee experience.

  • Provide a few types of coffee bean options for your employees. Get a few kinds of beans such as single-origin or mixed-origin beans from various regions.

  • Some coffee lovers get heartburns and stomach problems from coffee, which might make them avoid drinking coffee at work, so giving them an option of a less acidic bean will be helpful.

  • Some less acidic coffee include beans from Venezuela, Sumatra, Ethiopia, Brazil, Guatemala, and a few Caribbean island-grown beans.

Batch office coffee beans

2. Get a Decent Coffee Machine

If you wish to make good quality coffee, you need to have a good quality machine.

The way your coffee is created greatly impacts the taste and quality of the beverage you will drink.

Most offices either depend on filter/drip coffee makers or coffee pod machines.

While both the machines get the job done, the taste and quality of the outputs are mundane.

The coffee tastes either bad or not good enough to make an impression. Even though you get some variety with coffee pods, quality-wise, one can do so much better.


If you wish to change your office coffee machine, the following options will give you a much better outcome:

  • Automatic/Semi-automatic Espresso Machine: The kind of classic espresso machine we see at cafes requires a barista, hence the quality of coffee produced will also depend on the skills of the person making it.

    With automatic espresso machines, you get delicious espresso every time, with minimum effort. All you have to do is push some buttons, and the machine will make your delicious cup of joe for you. If you want to keep your employees happy and active, an automatic espresso machine is what you need.

    These machines might be on the expensive side, but they have a better capacity and produce higher-quality brews. However, you might need to do some of the work, as many come without a grinder, so you would need to either buy a grinder or opt for ground coffee.


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  • Bean to Cup Coffee Machine: This is almost always a different kind of espresso machine that is fully automated. All you have to do is refill the beans.

    These machines are larger in size and have greater output, which makes them more expensive than a simpler automatic espresso machine.

    These often make the best coffee you can get without hiring a barista! The two possible problems with bean to cup machines are that they are often large and can be noisy when the inbuilt grinder is working.


3. Provide Multiple Brewing Options

If you want coffee to fuel your workforce, you must present it as a recreational activity, and nothing gets coffee lovers more excited than the opportunity to explore a few brewing techniques.

If there is a coffee grinder or if coffee grounds are available, people can try making their coffee with other machines on their own.


If there are other types of inexpensive makers like a French press, Aeropress, Mokapot or even, one of those Turkish coffee-making pots, people can use these to make their own coffee when taking a break.

This can become highly popular amongst employees and work as a good incentive for employees.

4. Create a Coffee Culture

Creating a coffee culture at the office can motivate employees and help create better work synergy. Providing multiple brewing methods can be one of the few steps you can take to initiate and promote coffee culture in the workplace. Other steps you can take include:

  • Encourage work meetings and discussions over coffee.

  • Create a coffee station where everything is provided so they can create their perfect cup of java.

  • Promote taking effective work breaks to help destress. Encourage your workforce to take coffee breaks when they are overwhelmed with work. Taking work breaks at the right time can prevent burnout.

Coffee Culture
  • Provide a refreshing area for recreation, perhaps a quiet area with plants and wifi for resting like a quaint cafe. You can also include other recreational group activities like pool, darts, arcade games, or even chess.

  • Creating a coffee culture is proven to increase productivity and work satisfaction.

5. Let There Be Ice

Not everyone drinks their coffee hot. For those who don’t like drinking hot coffee, waiting for their coffee to cool down to a lukewarm and normal temperature not only takes time and patience but can also hamper the taste.

Make sure that there is an ice maker or at least enough ice trays in the fridge so that people who enjoy their coffee cold can drink iced lattes and americanos even at work. An ice maker can be a great investment as it can cover a higher demand. It will become highly popular amongst employees during the hotter months.

Ice Coffee Office

6. Get Some Other Helpful Appliances

Other than the ice maker, consider getting some other helpful appliances for the office kitchen. An appliance that can come in pretty handy at work is a blender. If there is a blender at work, people can not only make fancy blended coffee as you can find in coffee shops but also make shakes and smoothies.


Breakfast and lunch smoothies are becoming widely popular amongst busy people, especially those who are health conscious, so having a blender at the office can be of great help.

Another appliance you can consider getting for your office coffee station is a dishwasher. A dishwasher will save time and make people want to get coffee and snacks at work, even if they are too lazy or too busy to do the dishes.

7. Provide Snacks That Pair Well With Coffee

Providing jars of biscuits and cookies to pair with coffee also helps promote coffee culture. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause health problems in the long run, so available snacks can help prevent those.

Other snacks like cakes, crisps, and shortbread are also great additions. Consider providing some basic syrups like caramel, hazelnut, and mocha, so that the employees can enjoy flavored lattes.

Coffee Snacks

8. Encourage Effective Breaks

All work and no play is the fastest route towards stress and burnout. In the past, taking breaks at work was seen as something lazy and inefficient. However, research has shown that taking effective breaks during work can help increase activity and efficiency, so encourage employees to take breaks, especially during busy and super-stressful workdays.


Use these office coffee hacks to make your workplace and workforce more active and efficient. Proper coffee culture can help increase productivity and positive output.

Why do office workers drink so much coffee?

Office workers may drink a lot of coffee for a variety of reasons.

Some may drink coffee to help them stay alert and focused during the workday, as caffeine is a stimulant that can increase energy and concentration.

Others may drink coffee as a social activity, as it is often consumed during breaks or meetings. Additionally, some people may simply enjoy the taste of coffee and choose to drink it regularly.

Which coffee machine is best for office use?

There are several types of coffee machines that are well suited for office use, including drip coffee makers, single serve machines, and espresso machines.

The best choice will depend on the size of your office, the number of employees, and your budget.

It's best to do some research and compare features to find the machine that best fits your office's needs.


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