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Tom's Guide on Setting Up an Office Coffee Station


An office coffee station is kind of new concept or a new way to describe what may have already been there.

As a nation we’re consuming way more coffee than we used to be and although Sue from accounts may still be necking 5 cups of tea per day, millennials are all about their office coffee.

An office coffee station is a fantastic way to boost morale and keep everyone energised throughout the day. 

Tom setting up an office coffee station
Designing an office coffee station

Whether you’ve got a small home office or a large corporate space, a well-organised coffee station can make a big difference.

Creating the perfect coffee station means having the right mix of equipment, supplies, and a cosy setup that invites your team to take a much-needed break. 

From choosing the best coffee machine to stocking up on everyone’s favourite snacks, there's so much to consider. Trust me, your colleagues will thank you when they have everything they need for that mid arvo batch brew in the middle of the day. 

If you're like me, you appreciate a good cup of coffee to kickstart your day. 

By adding a few personal touches and thoughtful elements, you'll not only enhance productivity but also bring a bit of joy to your workplace. 

Whether it's a fridge full of cold brew cans or a full-blown espresso bar, I’ll guide you through some fantastic ideas to create an office coffee station that’s just right for your space.

An Office Coffee Station

Designing Your Coffee Station

Setting up an office coffee station is about more than just choosing a spot for the coffee machine. 

You'll need to consider the best location, essential equipment, necessary supplies, and how to create the right atmosphere.

Choosing the Right Location

First, think about where to place the coffee station. Ideally, it should be easily accessible to everyone in the office without causing congestion. 

Placing it near the kitchen or a common area can be a good choice. If your office is large, consider having multiple smaller stations to reduce crowding.

Another factor is the proximity to water and power sources. 

Making sure everything is within reach will save you time and hassle. A well-ventilated area is also key to keep the space comfortable.

Essential Equipment

You can't have a coffee station without the right equipment. 

The basics include a high-quality coffee machine, such as a filter coffee machine (which is what I personally would recommend), espresso machine, or manual brew methods such as a cafetiere or Aeropress. 

Depending on your office's size, you might need more than one machine.

Investing in a good coffee grinder ensures the coffee is high quality. 

A reliable kettle for tea drinkers is a must. 

Also, consider adding a small refrigerator to store milk, cream, and other perishables. 

Make sure you have ample counter space to accommodate all these items.

Moreover on the counter space, make sure that you have enough space to brew or make the coffee and your coffee machine isn’t taking up all the space.

Supplies and Accessories

Stocking your coffee station with the right supplies and accessories is important. 

You’ll need some fresh high quality coffee beans (Shameless plug - Batch Coffee Business Club) and teas to cater to different tastes. There may also be a few decaf coffee drinkers in the office, so maybe that is something to think about. 

Don't forget sugar, sweeteners, and a selection of syrups if you’re really going all out.

Having plenty of mugs, stirrers, and napkins is a must. 

Reusable items are a more sustainable choice. Neatly organised jars for holding these supplies keep the station tidy. Keeping extra supplies on hand ensures that you never run out unexpectedly.

Decor and Ambience

Creating a welcoming atmosphere at the coffee station can make a big difference.

 Adding aesthetic elements like house plants, artwork (Shameless plug #2 - checkout our A2 Coffee Tasters Flavour Wheel), and wall shelves can elevate the look and feel. 

A small chalkboard for daily coffee quotes or orders can add a nice touch.

Lighting plays a big role too. Soft, warm lights can make the area inviting. 

Simple touches like matching containers and neatly arranged supplies can keep the space looking organised. Consider incorporating a small seating area nearby for folks to chat while enjoying their coffee - I’m thinking highchairs a little like a Napolitian espresso bar (it also means that staff don’t get too comfy) 

Coffee Choices and Extras

Having a well-stocked office coffee station is more than just offering a basic coffee. It's about giving employees a range of beverages and add-ons to suit everyone's tastes and dietary needs. 

Let's dive into the specifics.

Selecting Office Coffee Beans

When it comes to coffee, certain coffee beans perform better when brewed in specific ways. 

For example, espresso machines are a cruel beast and don’t like change. I would recommend finding a delicious espresso blend so you can keep topping up the hopper on a regular basis with the same coffee. 

If you opt for filter coffee (my recommendation) then why not alternate the coffees and try something different each week to keep the coffee snobs happy in the office. 

As I pointed out before don’t forget decaf coffee!

Teas and Other Beverages

While coffee might be the star, having a selection of teas is equally important. I’d keep a mix of black, green, and herbal teas on hand. Peppermint and Rooibos are favourites for their calming effects.

Don't forget to include hot chocolate. Cold beverage options, like bottled water or sparkling drinks, can be great for those who want a refreshing alternative, but may come at a price.

Add-Ons and Condiments

No coffee station is complete without a range of add-ons. I always include multiple types of milk such as whole milk, skimmed milk and plant-based alternatives like almond or oat milk.

Sweeteners are essential too. I offer everything from white and brown sugar to honey and artificial sweeteners. A variety of syrups, like vanilla and caramel, can elevate the coffee experience.

Healthy Options

Offering healthier alternatives is a thoughtful touch. 

Filter coffee is about as healthy as it gets and has many health benefits - check out our article on Health Benefits of Black Coffee

Having sugar-free syrups can be a hit for those watching their sugar intake. 

Snack options like nuts, dried fruits, and whole-grain biscuits can complement the coffee break nicely without adding too many calories.
