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Rounton Coffee Roasters - Decaf


Rounton Coffee Roasters are based in North Yorkshire.


Their mission is simple. They aim to source coffees that guarantee a fair cut for everyone at origin, and they make sure that their hard work comes through in the taste of the coffees that they roast.

Their story began 8 years ago in Sumatra, where they met a wonderful group of farmers in a region that they continue to support today.

Rounton decaf coffee

It was this meeting that brought to their attention the plight of many smallholder farmers around the world. They decided that if they could do something for them, they should, and so on their return to the UK, Rounton Coffee Roasters was born.

Rounton finds themselves today, having formed relationships not just in Sumatra, but all over the world.


They believe that quality and sustainability can (indeed, must), go hand in hand.




The Cha Cha coffee from Rounton coffee roasters originates from the Chirinos and Huabal districts of Peru.

Smallholder farmers from the Chirinos and Huabal districts come together to deliver their coffee to a central dry mill.

This lot is named after the city Chachapoyas, which is the capital of the neighbouring Amazonas region.

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Here is how the sparkling water decaf is processed:

The green beans are soaked / cleaned in water, this allows the pores to open up as the beans expand and the caffeine to become mobile.

  1. Pressured Carbon Dioxide is introduced, this combined with the present water creates sparkling water. The CO2 acts like a magnet to the caffeine molecules, extracting it from the beans.

  2. The water is then drained into an evaporator which precipitates the caffeine rich carbon dioxide out of the water

  3. This cycle is repeated until the caffeine level is low enough to be classified as decaf

  4. The decaffeinated coffee is then gently dried until it reaches its original moisture content and is then ready for roasting.

Decaf Coffee Rounton


What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Sparkling Water Peruvian Decaf coffee from Rounton coffee roasters.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Moka Pot.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Rounton Coffee Roasters now.


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