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Papercup Coffee Roasters Decaf

Papercup coffee roasters

Papercup Coffee Roasters stands as a beacon of specialty coffee excellence in Glasgow, Scotland.


Founded with an unwavering passion for coffee and community, the company has carved out a niche for itself by offering an exceptional bean-to-cup experience.

At the core of Papercup's philosophy is a commitment to quality, sustainability, and the art of roasting.


With a warm and welcoming atmosphere, the Papercup coffee shop serve as a community hub where individuals can connect over a shared love of coffee.

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The company's success is not just measured by the quality of their coffee but also by the smiles they bring to their customers' faces and the conversations that flow as freely as the coffee they pour.


Papercup roast ethically sourced and environmentally sound coffee beans, direct from the farm and roasted on their state of the art Coffee Roaster.

Davide, their Head of Coffee, oversees the full roasting process, using his years of experience to ensure the highest quality.



Batch Coffee
Flavour Wheel Print?

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The Origin

The Naecaf Decaf coffee from Papercup originates from the Northern region of Peru.

CECANOR members harvest cherry until around 4 in the afternoon.

At this point, cherries are de-pulped and place in fermentation tanks overnight.

In the morning the coffee is checked for progress and if ready, washed, dried, and taken to Chiclayo to be dry milled, graded and prepared for export.

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Swiss Water® Process was designed as an alternative to using Methylene Chloride as a decaffeination solvent.

They are fully committed to quality coffee, and are committed to never using chemicals to remove caffeine.

Proudly keeping Methylene Chloride and Ethyl Acetate out of the facility and away from your coffee.



What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Swiss Water Process decaf Peruvian from Papercup.

Team Batch brew method of choice - Stovetop.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Papercup now.


Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF

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