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Campbell and Syme Coffee Roasters Decaf Review

Campbell and Syme logo

Who are Campbell and Syme Coffee Roasters?

When Campbell and Syme founded their company in October 2012, they possessed limited knowledge about the intricacies of coffee roasting.

However, they were aware that coffee could offer an exceptionally sweet and juicy flavour when its unique characteristics were properly emphasised.

They also believed that a welcoming demeanor could attract customers, inviting them to both enjoy their coffee and feel valued. To them, specialty coffee was not about exclusivity; rather, it served as a platform for shared experiences and meaningful dialogues.


Much has evolved since those initial days.

The company has matured, benefitting from the diverse skills and knowledge contributed by various team members.

Campbell and Syme Coffee Team.

Despite this growth, the core values that Campbell and Syme espoused have remained constant.


They continue to source and roast exceptional coffees cultivated by exemplary farmers. They maintain a warm rapport with their customers—many of whom have transitioned into long-term friends—and they remain grateful for the opportunity to engage in work that they passionately love.


Find your local roaster on our UK Roasters Map.



The Origin

The De Caña coffee from Campbell & Syme Coffee Roasters originates from the Huila Region of Colombia.

Colombian E.A. (ethyl acetate) decaf offerings are special in more ways than one: First, they're cupped specifically for their quality and sourced by single-origin, either region or farm.

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Cafe Imports call them Decaf De Caña because they're custom decaffeinated in Colombia, using a special, natural process that utilises a solvent of ethyl acetate, which can be derived from fermented sugar.

Cafe Imports staff has personally visited the decaffeination plant several times.



What To Expect

Here’s an idea of what to expect from this Colombian decaf coffee from Campbell & Syme Coffee Roasters.

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Team Batch brew method of choice - Cafetiere.

If you loved this coffee and want it to have it in your life again order directly from Campbell & Syme Coffee Roasters now.


Where to buy Campbell & Syme Coffee?

You can purchase all of their fantastic single origin, blends and decaf coffee’s from their online store.


Download Our Free Brew Guide PDF


Tom Saxon - Coffee Expert.jpg

I’m Tom and I have been working in the coffee industry for over 10 years, starting my journey as a barista in Australia, working on coffee farms in South America and roasting coffee in The UK. Today I review and write about speciality coffee. I am the founder of Batch Coffee Club, which showcases the very best coffee from around the world. Read more about Tom Saxon Coffee Expert.